Thursday, July 07, 2005

Year end review?

Strange to have a year end summary/review in July, but it was in July three years ago that I had my first performance of Mark's gospel for the Prairie Bible College homecoming celebration. So summer becomes a marker for us (excuse the pun)ever since. Hard to believe we have performed this on both coasts over 100 times since that first attempt at Prairie. Lots has been learned, it's been fun looking back at how the show has and continues to evolove from those early performances. And the involvment from my directr and friend Royal Sproule continues to inspire me. This has been a really full and amazing year for Mark His Word. There have been over 50 performances since this time last year, with travels from Three Hills to Virginia and stops along the way in Ontario, New Jersey and California. And we finally got into the recording studio to produce a dramatic audio version of Mark. Our website has been redone and I’ve included a blog site which will allow me to keep in better touch with supporters and friends, as well as allow folks who have been to our shows to continue conversations that started at our performances. check things out at and click on the blog link.